Lawrence Kohlberg

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Lawrence KohlbergLawrence Kohlberg
  1. Lawrence Kohlberg studies moral development from the field of cognition .


  2. Lawrence Kohlberg is a famous philosopher , psychologist and educator in contemporary era of America .


  3. Lawrence Kohlberg 's theory of moral cognitive development has profound influences on Western moral education .


  4. The Cognitive Moral Development Mode of Lawrence Kohlberg includes stages of moral development , moral education and just community .


  5. Lawrence Kohlberg was a famous American development psychologist and moral education theoretician , the founder and the main representative of moral cognition study .


  6. Jean Peaget and Lawrence Kohlberg 's theory of moral cognition development stages , provides a theoretical basis for moral education and especially for moral cognition education in school .


  7. Lawrence Kohlberg ( 1927-1987 ), who was an American moral psychologist and moral education theoretician , proceeded other experts in the field of moral cognition study at the time .
